The Villa’s Name
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Years upon years ago, standing on the shore of Lake Garda and admiring the harmony of its crystal clear water and the lush greenery of the surrounding gardens, Richard Langensiepen was wondering how to call this amazing place. His heart was brimming with joy and pride since at last his beloved wife and two sons were to enjoy more peace and quiet in this safe haven in the north of Italy.

„Ruhland” etymologically, comes from German and can be loosely translated as ‘the land’ or ‘oasis of peace’. This interpretation seems to fit perfectly as the place feels like it soothes and calms a busy mind of a visitor. Richard Langensiepen, founder of the Ruhland property, must have called it this way after his experiences in the busy metropolises where he had done business. At the time he bought the property in Gardone, Langensiepen was 50 years of age, with two daughters and two sons and commercial success in the books. We can assume that he had already achieved all there was to be achieved and simply could not wait to lead the peaceful life while playing the violin and the piano, the instruments he was a great fan of. It seems that Ruhland was a very conscious choice back then.

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Torre San Marco and Villa Alba

Image: Old postcard, Joh.F. Amonn Bozen